Natural Detoxification – the Holistic Approach

The following points aim to provide a guideline for healthy detoxification:

1. Water – If there is not enough fluid (water) intake, there is nothing to flush out the metabolic waste products accumulated in the body, and this will eventually manifest itself in health problems. 2.5-3 liters of non-carbonated mineral water per day is recommended as a minimum amount for detoxification (1 liter for every 20 kg of body weight).

In addition, feel free to drink herbal teas (e.g. nettle, mint, horsetail, chamomile, mate, dandelion, etc.). Drink 2-3 cups of freshly brewed leafy green tea a day (2-3 minutes steeping). If you drink 3 liters of water a day for a month and 2-3 cups of green tea a day, you have a good chance of eliminating waste and fat (if you eat a balanced diet).

2. Drink detoxifying green juice in the morning – Herbs and vegetables freshly blended in 400 ml of water with 100 ml of diluted fresh grapefruit, orange or lemon juice. This triggers the detoxification process, cleanses the liver, lymphatic and intestinal tract and speeds up the metabolism. The following plants have detoxifying effects: green wheatgrass, barley grass, milk thistle, nettle, moringa, aloe vera, algae species (such as chlorella and spirulina), dandelion, red clover, coriander, parsley, turmeric, ginger, artichoke, beetroot.

Aromatherapy drops: grapefruit, oregano, basil, lemongrass.

3. Keep your bowels clean! Eating digestible or indigestible fiber and herbs is recommended. Fresh vegetables, fruits and supplements formulated for proper detoxification and bowel cleansing are used to flush out accumulated toxins from the large intestine. Clogged intestinal walls are at the root of most diseases – high cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance or diabetes, chronic arthritis, even cancer.

4. Protect your liver! Our liver is our body’s largest chemical processing plant, if it is weak or overloaded from eliminating toxins – fat breakdown and energy production slows down. Liver-protecting or detoxifying teas and the high chlorophyll content of detoxifying green plants are excellent for this. In addition, eat fresh beetroot, which also has a liver-cleansing function and cleanses the colon (high fiber content), and has further positive physiological effects (packed with antioxidant).

5. When detoxifying, try to eat a vegan or vegetarian diet. Eat less more often and, if possible, use intermittent fasting periods. Eat natura, vitamin-rich fresh foods that replenish micronutrients and promote the neutralization and elimination of waste products.

6. Favor fruits and vegetables from local organic farms – they are chemical-free and relatively higher in vitamins.

7. When detoxing, eliminate sugar, alcohol and acidifying foods. Also avoid: refined foods,

foods, saturated fats. These foods provide a breeding ground for fungi and other harmful bacteria in the gut. A change in the gut flora in a negative direction (towards dysbiosis) can lead to adverse consequences such as fungal infections, metabolic disorders, high insulin levels, high blood pressure and high LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, lethargy, foggy thinking, fatigue, and later on, it can even trigger depressive states and inflammatory processes. For sweetening, use honey instead, but only in moderation.

8. Avoid processed meat products (e.g. salami, cold cuts, pâté, smoked foods, canned foods), saturated fats and trans fats, furthermore, stay away from medicines, painkillers, smoking.

9. Avoid fast-food restaurants as these foods are high in fat and additives. This further overloads the liver with chemical additives (such flavor enhancers, colorings, preservatives, trans-fats), slowing down the detoxification process.

10. Reduce or avoid industrial products – meats, eggs, dairy products (which are not organic) are loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics, which also have a negative effect on our hormone balance. If we can, we source our animal food from organic sources.

11. Use homemade alternatives to processed dressings: e.g. olive oil, natural live-cultured yoghurt or kefir, sea salt, a little balsamic/apple vinegar, black pepper, basil, oregano, turmeric, freshly squeezed lemon juice.

12. Refrain from extreme diets! Some diets drastically reduce energy intake, which can also lead to metabolic or hormonal imbalances. Starvation is not the key to health. However, eating healthy foods, rich in vitamins and minerals, leads to healthy metabolism.

13. Take digestive enzymes (plant-based enzymes) before main meals if you have digestive problems and complain of frequent bloating. It is recommended for the first month, while the liver and pancreas regenerate and proper enzyme production starts. Some plant-based enzymes (e.g. bromelain in pineapple or papain in papaya) help to break down proteins and fats. Green tea consumed during the day also contributes to fat burning processes and protects against harmful free radicals. Also, don’t forget to eat fresh vegetables and berries that are as bright and dark as possible, which are rich in flavonoids and anti-ageing, health-promoting antioxidants.  

14. Spice it up! Ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and chili are natural metabolism boosters and help burn fat. Eat according to your body type and the seasons. For Ayurvedic nutritional advice, ask a holistic or ayurvedic nutritionist.

15. Exercise 3-5 times a week (at least 30-50 minutes). Walk, jog, ride a bike! Whatever exercise you choose, the important thing is to enjoy it! Even 30 minutes of power walking a day can be effective. Aim for 45 minutes of fast-paced walking – it gets the circulation going, exercises the heart, oxygenates the blood and helps eliminate toxins.

16. Sleep – try to sleep 7-8 hours a day, and aim to go to bed between 10-11 pm. Incorporate shooting rituals into your evenings (reading a book, listening to relaxation music, meditating, visualization, etc.) so that your mind can prepare for a restoring sleep.

17. Breathe! The more time we spend in the fresh air and the deeper we breathe, the more oxygen we get into the bloodstream, which aids metabolism and the elimination of waste products.

18. Use a scrub brush or gloves with 100% essential oils of lemongrass and sweet orange – stimulates lymphatic and circulatory systems, improves skin collagen, improves well-being).

19. Fasting – for a few days 1-2 times a year is beneficial for the body’s detoxification and self-healing processes; provided it is done properly.

20. Use stress management techniques when you feel overwhelmed. Yoga, breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation are the best ways to do this.

If you need help and further nutritional guidance, please feel free to contact me.

I will be happy to assist you along your journey!

Dr. Suzanna Braeger

Holistic Health Coach & Nutritionist

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